70 Years!
In 1954, the Synod of South Carolina established the Mother’s Day Offering because it recognized the need to care for senior adults in South Carolina. The deep commitment, prayers, and sacrifice of these visionary people were the foundation of what would become the Presbyterian Communities (formally known as the Presbyterian Home). Once the Homes were established in Clinton, Columbia, Florence, Laurel Crest, and Summerville, the emphasis of the offering shifted from expansion to sustainability. The Mother’s Day offering now helps to support the residents of the Presbyterian Communities who, by the grace of God, have outlived their savings and need funds to remain in the place they now call home. Because of the Mother’s Day offering, no resident will ever be asked to leave. In this day and time when culture insists that making lots of money is the only way to live, I think that the Mother’s Day offering is gracious and honorable. It allows senior adults to remain in a safe and healthy environment, even when they can not afford to do so. I am glad to be associated with this ministry of compassion.
On Sunday, May 12th, we will participate in the 70th Mother’s Day Offering. As we think about our dear ones who live at one of the Presbyterian Communities, and even as we think about complete strangers, let us join the generous legacy of all who have preceded us as we celebrate 70 years of caring and compassion.
Peace, Josie
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