Did You Know?
Sometimes it is important to take a step back and reflect on our mission as a church. The purpose is not to brag and say “look what WE did”, but rather to give thanks for the many ways God is calling us to serve the needs of this community and give thanks for the faithful who respond to the call. In Matthew 28, the Great Commission, Jesus says “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Certainly our teaching comes through our words, but it also comes through our actions as we serve and love others. And in this church there is a steady beat keeping the tempo for ways that you reach out and share the love of Christ throughout Kingstree. Did you know that there is a team of 18 volunteers that deliver Meals on Wheels each week of the year? Did you know that we supplied 64 boxes for Operation Christmas Child so that children around the world would have a gift for Christmas? Did you know that three families in our community were given gifts to help ease their financial burdens through Coins for Christmas? Did you know that there is a team of volunteers from this church that serve Blessed Angela meals at the Felician Center at least twice a year? Did you know that we have been feeding 12 second graders every weekend since the beginning of the school year through the Backpack Blessing? Did you know that there are 25 volunteers that give their time and energy to this mission? Did you know that the support for this ministry is going so well that the plan is to increase the amount of children we feed at the beginning of the next school year? Did you know that people in this church have heard Christ calling them to serve the needs of others and continues to call them? Did you know?
The past few Sundays in worship we have been focusing on the call to discipleship, which comes to us in so many ways. Sometimes calls to serve happen in the silence of the night. Sometimes calls come through encounters with others. Sometimes it is a profound event, and sometimes the calls to serve wash over us like waves and will not stop until we say, “Here I am Lord. Send me.” Did you know that as disciples, you are being called to serve? Did you know that you are being called to teach the love of Christ through your words and your actions? Did you know? Did you know God could be calling you to serve in new and exciting ways in 2024; perhaps even ways that you never imagined? Did you know?
Peace, Josie
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