How’s it Going?
We are two weeks into our sermon series on kindness. Each week, using the Kindness Cards that we hand out in worship, I have been encouraging you to do an act of service. The first week I asked you to do something kind by refraining from anger and this past week I asked you to do something kind for a stranger that you would normally try to avoid because of a personal bias. Soooo…how’s it going? Are you sharing your cards after you do an act of kindness? Is it easier than you thought, or a bit more of a challenge?
I know you have been responding with kindness as we collect supplies for hurricane relief efforts in Western North Carolina. Bags full of medicine and cleaning supplies show up every day. Also, some of you are finding other supplies that we might be able to take to the mountains. Thank you for your generous hearts.
As you think of ways to share your kindness cards here in Kingstree, here are some suggestions if you need some ideas:
Pay for a meal or groceries for the person behind you in line.
Paint encouraging signs for the Teacher’s Lounge at a struggling school.
Bake some snacks and deliver them to local fire or police station.
Deliver bags of groceries or gift cards to a local family in need.
Leave bubbles in Kellahan Park for families to use.
Buy coloring books and crayons & leave them in the hospital waiting room.
Rake someone’s yard.
Whatever you act of kindness you choose, keep spreading it like confetti!
Peace, Josie
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