Rev. Josie Holler
A native of South Carolina, Josie is a cradle Presbyterian with a twist! The movie My Big
Fat Greek Wedding is a perfect reflection of her life. She loves the reformed tradition of
her father’s Presbyterian roots and the elements of mystery from her mother’s Greek
Orthodox tradition. Josie was ordained 27 years ago and has served churches all over
South Carolina in installed positions and as Interim Pastor. She loves good worship,
and in particular she loves to be creative in worship so that the people of God can
experience the depths, richness, and magnitude of God’s love and grace.
She lives in Wedgefield with her husband, David and she is the mother of Stewart (24),
Grey (22), and Owings (20). Through the years she has been involved in theater in
many ways; on stage, designing and building sets, and even directing. For fun and
prayer time she is an avid runner. To fuel her creativity she loves to cook up new
dishes, especially Mediterranean food. She also teaches cooking lessons, paints
whatever sits still long enough for the paint to dry (you should see the walls of her guest
bathroom) and she also has a small business in which she designs and makes stoles, paraments and banners for worship.
Grew up in Easley SC and at Easley Presbyterian Church
B.A in Fine Arts from College of Charleston 1989
M.Div from Candler School of Theology at Emory University 1995
Member of New Harmony Presbytery
Currently serving as Interim Pastor of Williamsburg Presbyterian Church in Kingstree,
South Carolina