A Mission Study Team has been formed to begin the process of looking for a Called Pastor. Their first meeting will be on the 11th. With your help, the team will look back at your past, discuss where you are as a church right now, and look towards what God is calling you to do in the future. The team consists of Mary Lisa McGill, Esther Harrell, Mark Brown, Jamie Stillinger, Edwin Belser, and Barney Easterling. Mission Study Teams have been a normal part of the interim process for about 20 years. Along with the Interim Pastor, this group will decide how to meet with the congregation and what questions they need to ask in order to gather information that will be helpful to the Pastor’s Nominating Committee in forming the Mission Information Form (MIF). I like to call this form the church resume. When the way is clear by the Presbytery, the MIF will be circulated for potential candidates to review and the search process officially begins. This, of course, will take place over several months.
As a way to help you prepare for the work of the Mission Study Team I have decided to do a sermon series called “Vision Quest”. For the next five weeks we will look to scripture to guide us on what it means when people have no vision, how looking back instead of forward prohibits vision, trusting God gives us vision, setting goals helps us strive for vision, and how diligence and perseverance helps us reach vision that comes from God. I am excited about starting this series as we begin the discussion on the vision for Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, and I hope it will spur good and rich conversations for us all. Please be in prayer for the Mission Study Team as they begin their exciting and vital task for the church.
Peace to You,
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