What is Worship?
The Confession of 1967 is one of twelve confessions in our Book of Confessions. It states that worship is a time for “the church to gather and hear God’s word, baptize and join in the Lord’s Supper, pray, enjoy fellowship, receive instruction, strength and comfort, to order and organize its own corporate life, to be tested, renewed, and reformed, and to speak and act in the world’s affairs as may be appropriate to the needs of the time”. (9.36 Book of Confessions) To be certain we do this from week to week when we join together in worship in our beautiful sanctuary. But we also do it when we gather together in other settings… like a gathering at someone’s lake house…or a beach retreat…or a sunrise service…or Montreat…I could go on and on. Worship is not limited to a sanctuary nor is it limited to a particular time or structure. Rather, worship happens when believers gather together around God’s word and find strength and renewal through it. Worship also happens through our encounters with one another, and through our encounters with the mysterious, gracious, and mighty acts of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Wherever we may be at any particular time the Word + God + Children of God = Worship.
On June 30 at 10:00 am, worship will be a casual service in Grace Hall. (There will be no Sunday School) We will gather around tables, share refreshments with one another, enjoy each other’s company, and be strengthened, comforted, renewed, and perhaps even tested as we give thanks and worship God together. Put on your favorite red, white, and blue outfit and join us!
Peace, Josie
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